04. Video: Introduction to Five Number Summary

29 Number Summary

Calculating the 5 Number Summary

The five number summary consist of 5 values:

  1. Minimum: The smallest number in the dataset.
  2. \bold{Q_1}: The value such that 25% of the data fall below.
  3. \bold{Q_2}: The value such that 50% of the data fall below.
  4. \bold{Q_3}: The value such that 75% of the data fall below.
  5. Maximum: The largest value in the dataset.

In the above video we saw that calculating each of these values was essentially just finding the median of a bunch of different dataset. Because we are essentially calculating a bunch of medians, the calculation depends on whether we have an odd or even number of values.


The range is then calculated as the difference between the maximum and the minimum.


The interquartile range is calculated as the difference between \bold{Q_3} and \bold{Q_1}.

In the upcoming sections, you will practice this with Katie and on your own.